“An artist is somebody who produces things that people don’t need to have.”
– Andy Warhol –
Paris Wellings
My University experience has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but as I approached my third year, I began to gain sight of what I wanted to achieve from my degree.
From a young age I have always had a passion for art and graphic design; I always knew this was the career path for me. As I developed all of my skills through my three years at University, I found myself and the styles I like to work with. I especially enjoy logo design and branding.
I like using a graphics tablet to come up with new designs and concepts as well as having a great interest in typography. I would describe my style as being very vector driven, using lots of bold lines and colours to create unique designs.
My greatest accomplishment at University is being able to say I designed a beauty brand from scratch, using all of my design skills and love for makeup.