“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”
– Ansel Adams –
Sam Turner
Through studying Creative Digital Media I have extended my knowledge of photography, which I have always been passionate about. I enjoy experimenting with various photographic techniques to produce unique styles. I specialise in automotive and landscape photography. My part time role alongside the course has enabled me to put into practice my skills in photography, graphic design and video production.
For my independent study I have produced a corporate video to demonstrate the journey of a client through the concept to production process. In the future I would like to extend my career in photography and graphics in addition to my current interest in technical design. My favourite photographs are my explorations with astrophotography including star trail photos, which highlight a very unique view of the solar system.
I enjoy working on projects that enable me to adopt a multidisciplinary approach utilising photography, graphics and video. Graphic design especially branding is one of my interests as encapsulating a whole company’s style in one icon or logo design is a real challenge to summarise for a designer.
The course has enabled me to explore a greater range of photography techniques and develop my personal style.